Remote Rodeo: Wrangling the Wild West of Virtual Workspaces

Well butter my biscuit, remote work ain’t just about working in your jammies!

Rich Brown
3 min readOct 12, 2023
A person lounging in a hammock with a laptop on a beach to represent work-life balance.
A person lounging in a hammock with a laptop on a beach to represent work-life balance.

For many, diving into the world of remote work can be as challenging as teaching your grandpappy to text. But fear not, dear reader.

With a decade under my belt, I’m here to share my tried-and-true wisdom to help you navigate this brave new world.

Getting Started Right

Step one, set up a dedicated workspace. Now, I’m not saying you need an office bigger than Texas, but carving out a little corner can make a world of difference.

Whether it’s a desk, a kitchen nook, or a revamped closet, make it your own.

Time management’s another beast. Without the typical office boundaries, it can be easy to find yourself working from sunup to sundown. Get yourself a good ol’ planner or a digital calendar. Schedule breaks, y’hear?

Communication is King

In the remote world, you can’t just holler across the office when you’ve got a question. Tools like Slack, Zoom, and good ol’ email will be your new best friends.

But remember, there’s a fine line between being communicative and being that pesky mosquito…



Rich Brown

AI-driven developer with extensive web app experience. Passionate about leveraging AI to innovate & achieve business success. Skilled in UI/UX design and dev.